Closed: Email enhancements

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Closed: Email enhancements

Post by Captdave »

I have some suggestions for email enhancements that would help me and I believe would be helpful to others

1) Emails to non-roster entities - This would be good for contacting potential recruits, organizing authorities and sponsors. This would provide the impressive appearance of ULST, rather than David Ward

2) Basic customization of reminder messages to crew - I do not propose changing the content of the emails or how they are generated. I am only looking at the appearance, e.g., logo less impersonal and more team oriented. I would not make changes to reminders for administrators.

3) Select one or more crew without creating group for one-time or short-term use, e.g., car pool for event, reminder to bring something, etc. This eliminates buildup and excessive management of unwanted groups.

Those are my thoughts. Thanks
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Re: Email enhancements

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A comment that the Skipper Send Email feature is intended to provide an easy method to communicate with the crew. When it was developed, It was not intended to be an independent email program but was instead provided to make it easier to contact crew scheduled for the various events and crew groups. It was added as an extension to the email notification capability built into Crew Manager.

Item 1: This is a technical issue as the address list is only pulled from content in the crew roster. Should it be desired to contact people not on the crew list, either add them to the crew or use your normal email program.

Item2: You may customize email templates for Skipper Send Emails, and may also customize your website. Please see these links: Item 3: This will be incorporated at a later date. Please be aware that you may also select a group that contains just the people associated with an event. These groups are automatically generated and may be selected in the To dropdown in Skipper Send Email. It is also easy to select the group by going to the Calendar using the default Annual view. There is a green Email # Crew button shown for each event. Clicking the button in the event opens the Skipper Send Email screen with the event crew selected and the event automatically attached to the email. You just add any other text you want sent and then send the message.

Now that sailing season has started, potential implementation would be accomplished after my boat is hauled in the fall.
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Re: Email enhancements

Post by Captdave »

Item2: You may customize email templates for Skipper Send Emails, and may also customize your website. Please see these links:
Create or Edit Email Templates
Customize a Crew Manager Site

Yes, I'm aware that I can customize the email templates that appear on the Skipper Send Emails menu, and I have done so. However, my request is to be able to customize the reminder emails to crew. These templates do not appear anywhere that I can find. Again, I am looking to change the appearance rather than the substance. Thank you.
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Re: Email enhancements

Post by admin »

I just sent a test event reminder to you where I copied a Chicago Beer Can Series, added some text and inserted an existing boat image from your media library. The Chicago Beer Can logo was included as a featured image on the event which is set by the Skipper or Admin in the Edit Event screen for an event.

An image may also be included in the body of the text using the Add Media button. You may set the image size and location in the media tools on the right side when adding the image. The boat logo image in the test was sized 300 x 300px.

Unlike messages sent from Skipper Send Email, the Event Reminders to not have a header logo. This is intended to focus the reader's view on the most important information associated with the upcoming event, without having to scroll.

A screen shot of the test reminder is below. It is 2 images since the message required scrolling on my screen to capture the full content with 2 images.
test-event-reminder.png (119.12 KiB) Viewed 23827 times
test-event-reminder-more.png (152.16 KiB) Viewed 23827 times
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Closed: Email enhancements

Post by admin »


Including a summary of responses to each request. If you disagree with any of the conclusions, please post here for further evaluation.

1) Emails to non-roster entities: This is a technical issue as the address list is only pulled from content in the crew roster. Should it be desired to contact people not on the crew list, either add them to the crew or use your normal email program.

2) Basic customization of reminder messages to crew: Unlike messages sent from Skipper Send Email, the Event Reminders to not have a header logo. This is intended to focus the reader's view on the most important information associated with the upcoming event, without having to scroll.

3) Select one or more crew without creating group for one-time or short-term use: I use a disposable "Ad-Hoc Group" in the Crew Manager Groups page to setup the one time use group just for the purpose you mention. Individuals are added or deleted from the group as needed. Additionally please be aware that you may also select a group that contains just the people associated with an event. These groups are automatically generated and may be selected in the To dropdown in Skipper Send Email. It is also easy to select the group by going to the Calendar using the default Annual view. There is a green Email # Crew button shown for each event. Clicking the button in the event opens the Skipper Send Email screen with the event crew selected and the event automatically attached to the email. You just add any other text you want sent and then send the message.
Crew Manager Administrator
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