Feature Incorporated: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

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Feature Incorporated: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

Post by dancorcoran »

Feature requests around upcoming events
(1) The upcoming events shows future events on the home page. If for example you have a Friday night race at 5pm, and it is currently 6pm your 5pm event will not longer appear. Feature request, also show events for the current day even if the start time has passed.

(2) Skipper & crew feature to download basic upcoming event information to a printable report, including today's events and all future events, with the following columns
date, name of event, start time, location, list any crew with crew comment, and availability (Y, N, ?). (e.g. leave out crew that have not filled out availability)

7/4/21 4th of July, 5:15pm, 17 mill dam road, avail_crew(crew comment if exists); Y_Dan(sandwiches); Y_Alex(got beer);Y_Mark;N_Roger;?_Eric

(3) Skipper & crew feature to download basic upcoming event info to a spreadsheet, including today's events and all future events, with the following columns
date, name of event, crew1, crew 2, crew 3, etc.
Date Race_Name Meeting_time Dan Alex Mark Roger Gail Eric
7/4/21 4th of July 5:15pm, 17 mill dam road |Y(sandw|Y(got beer)| Y N (blank) ?

In the above, only include crew that are in one or more upcoming events.

the purpose of feature request
(1) - allow skipper or crew to navigate to today's event, even if the event has already started
(2) - allow skipper or crew to print a report they can bring to the boat, and have handy to recruit crew to participate in additional races, and write down any commitment, optimized for paper printers.
(3) - allow skipper or crew to do the same as #2, but electronically (e.g. on their phone or tablet, without the limitations of paper printers, use space to scan down the column for crew members.

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Re: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

Post by admin »


#1 is easy and will be incorporated as an optional switch on the upcoming events widget. I will include an optional switch 'stickday=Y' that will display any event scheduled that day up until midnight. The current upcoming events widget format is:

[upcoming num=X canx=Y] Generate upcoming event widget for next X events, and displays canceled events if canx=Y

This will be updated to:

[upcoming num=X canx=Y stickday=Y] Generate upcoming event widget for next X events, displays canceled events if canx=Y, and stickday=Y keeps all events that day displayed until midnight

#2 & 3 takes more thought, but an initial assessment is rather than trying to format an undefined report with variable columns for a printer, it would be easier to format as a downloadable CSV file the is readable by Excel. That way the report could be configured by the user for printing within Excel. This is similar to the way that Custom Reports under the Skipper menu work.

#1 will be done in the next week. We need to kick around the other request which will have to wait until the fall after my boat is hauled.
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Re: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

Post by admin »


Thinking about how to implement this request, I think the custom "Event Information" report can be expanded to add a section with the crew. If you look on your site under the Skipper menu, click on Custom Reports, then select the Event Information Report.

There is a section labeled Basic that has check boxes to provide all the event information. What I propose is to add a section that labeled Crew Responses with a check box to enable a subsection for crew in each event. Check boxes would be provided for First Name, Last Name, Email, Mobile, Carrier, Available, Crew Comment, Position, and Assignment. This would only provide a list of crew who provided a response for an event.

Formatting needs to be determined as how to show the crew. A format that comes to mind would have a row for each event with the event information, following by a number of rows with the First Name and Last Name of the crew who responded and the following columns, if selected by the user with a sub header having the column names with the header repeated under each event:
First, Last, Email, Mobile, Carrier, Available, Crew Comment, Position, and Assignment

The Event column header would be repeated for each event. The output would be to a downloadable CSV file that could be formatted by the user for printing in Excel.

Currently this is only available as a Skipper menu option. We need to kick around the crew access because there are fields available with personal information that only the Skipper should have access to.

What do you think about this as a proposed solution?
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Feature Incorporated: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

Post by admin »

Thanks to Hurricane Henri, I had some more time in front of the computer to work this. Dan and I reviewed a prototype approach and agreed on the concept. As a result of the discussion, the Custom Reports have been modified to add Crew Lists to the Event Reports. These are formatted for screen display and setup to download as a CSV file for importing to Excel.

The upcoming events sticking on the sidebar is also incorporated using the shortcode [upcoming num=X canx=Y stickday=Y] to generate the upcoming event widget for next X events, displays canceled events if canx=Y, and stickday=Y keeps all events that day displayed until midnight

It was also determined that there is no need for the report to be available for all crew. Dan has some crew who help plan, and as such may assign them Skipper rights as Helpers in the Crew Manager Modify Settings page so they may access the report from the Skipper menu.

All sites have been updated on 22 August 2021 with the feature available in Custom Reports on the Skipper Menu. The Skipper Manual has been updated in the section labeled Custom Reports & Downloading Data.

Event Report with Crew List
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Re: Feature Incorporated: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

Post by Awaysailing »

Two questions:
Can i save the filters of a specific Custom report, so i can duplicate at will
Secondly, Using the custom reports i export to Excel and see the following:

Is it possible to have the file format correctly on import, instead of HTML, the yes\no is inserted and it is the correct colour?
or am i doing something wrong


Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 09.18.58.png
Screen Shot 2022-11-02 at 09.18.58.png (1.01 MiB) Viewed 12074 times
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Re: Feature Incorporated: Upcoming Events & Events downloads

Post by admin »


My apologies as I did not see this until today. I have fixed the export format to strip the html tags.

I will look at saving the filters and get back to you on that.
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