5 Halidon Ave
Newport, RI 02840

Registered:No Fees Paid: Due 7/1/2024, Event Contacts, Event Documents, NOR Amendment #1, NOR Amendment #2, Notice Board, Notice of Race, Official Crew List, RC Announcements, Safety Check List, Sailing Instructions, Scratch Sheet, SI Amendment #2, SI Amendment #3, SI Amendment #4, SI Amendment #5, Starting Sequence, Swag Link, Waiver Form, Waiver Status
Be at New York YC - Fri October 4th @ 9:30AM EDT
Club Website: New York YCRegistration: Link
Race Results: Race Results
Post # 3463-2528
The 2024 ORC World Championship will bring top sailing teams from around the globe to battle on Rhode Island Sound and Narragansett Bay for one of four coveted world titles. It is the first time in over two decades this regatta, which will be held out of the New York Yacht Club Harbour Court from September 27 to October 5, 2024. The event will include the standard ORC A, ORC B and ORC C divisions, but will also include Class 0 for the first time opening up the event to boats with CDL values up to 17.400.
The 2024 ORC World Championship will include a mix of buoy racing and offshore courses testing the mettle of all competitors. Contact the NYYC Sailing Office with any questions.