Feature Incorporated: Remind "Maybe" Crew to Update Availability

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Feature Incorporated: Remind "Maybe" Crew to Update Availability

Post by admin »

I'm adding this as a concept for future updates and am proposing an approach so Skippers may comment. Part way through the season I notice some crew still have "Maybe" listed as availability for some events. It would be nice to get a commitment so final crew assignments may be set. The following is a proposed approach to handle this.
  1. Remind Maybe to Commit will be added as new menu item under the Skipper menu
  2. The page displays Event Categories (Defaults to All), Start date (defaults to today), End Date (defaults to 30 days later), and a Select Categories & Dates then Click Here to Update button
  3. When the button is clicked, it displays any events filtered per the selection listing only people who have set availability to "Maybe". The format is similar to the Skipper Assign Crew by Event display using text rather than dropdowns (the status can only be displayed, not changed from this screen). A Notify checkbox will be added to the right column.
  4. The Skipper may check any boxes next to an entry. This indicates that a "Request to Update Availability" email will be sent to the person. Default is unchecked. A Check All and Uncheck All buttons will be at the top of the column allowing a single action to check or uncheck all boxes
  5. A Send Email to Remind Selected Crew button will float and when clicked sends an email to the selected individuals.
  6. If a person is listed more than once, all events requiring updates are included in a single email. The email content would be similar to:
    Hello (name),

    You have availability set to "Maybe" for the events listed below. Please log in to the (boatname) website at this link (link to set availability) to update your availability to "Yes" or "No" so final crew assignments may be completed.

    (Skipper Name)
    (Boat Name and link)
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Re: Feature Incorporated: Remind "Maybe" Crew to Update Availability

Post by admin »

This feature has been incorporated and all websites updated as of 19 June 2019. The following provides documentation until the Skipper Manual is updated in the next release.

Remind Crew - Notify Maybe to Update Availability
Crew members may initially set their availability to Maybe for some events. As the season progresses the Skipper may want firm commitments so that other people may fill vacant spots and crew positions assigned. The menu item Notify Maybe to Update Availability is on the Skipper menu to identify individuals who have set availability to Maybe. There are filters to select by category (e.g. PHRF, One Design, All Categories) and for a date range with selectable start and end dates. Once the categories and dates have been filtered as desired, the Skipper checks boxes for events a Crew reminder should be sent. This is sent as an email to the designated Crew, and an optional SMS text message if the Crew opted to receive text messages in their profile. Assuming you are already logged in as the Skipper, do the following to send a reminder for designated Crew to update availability from Maybe to Yes or No.
  1. On the top menu, click the down arrow next to Skipper then click on Notify Maybe to Update Availability.
  2. The page opens and defaults to show all categories with dates filtered starting today through 30 days later. These may be changed, and the Select Event Category & Date Range button is clicked. The screen will refresh with the updated selections.
    notify-maybe.png (88.1 KiB) Viewed 6683 times
  3. There are Notify check boxes at the right of each event. These may be selected in bulk using the Check All button at the top of the table. Individual boxes may also be clicked.
  4. Once the desired boxes are checked, the floating Send Notification Email button is clicked. This results in reminder emails being sent with events aggregated in a single email per person. A summary email is sent to the Skipper if the Skipper Notification Email is enabled on the Crew Manager Modify Settings page. A confirmation that emails were sent is also displayed on the page.
notify-maybe-submitted.png (67.48 KiB) Viewed 6683 times
Crew Manager Administrator
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