Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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The Skipper Manual is online at this link. It is available from the menu on all Crew Manager websites effective 14 March 2021. The PDF files in the posts below contain some outdated information but may be download for reference.

The Skipper has control over Crew Manager setup, the people listed as Crew on the site, scheduling events, content & details behind the schedule, and assigning crew to events. The PDF manual attached has complete directions for the Skipper to setup and use all features. In summary, Crew Manager works as follows
  • Skipper orders Boat Website subscription online with annual or monthly term options
  • Skipper loads Crew Members (via spreadsheet CSV file upload or individually typed in Crew Manager admin panel)
  • Skipper setup - designate who has Skipper Rights & setup options in Crew Manager admin panel
  • Load the Season Schedule - All In One Calendar Events (with extra fields for uniform) in Crew Manager admin panel
  • Crew (or Skipper) logs in to set “Availability” for each event - via Crew Manager menu items
  • Skipper assigns each available Crew to a position - via Crew Manager menu items
  • Skipper designates what to wear and who brings the beer for an event - via Crew Manager menu items
  • Automatic Email reminders and text messages are sent to Crew 36 hours (or as set by Skipper) in advance
  • Go Sailing and win races!
  • Skipper records race results and posts commentary about the race
  • If an Event must be cancelled (e.g. bad weather) the Skipper clicks a Cancel Event Immediately button. Crew scheduled for the event are immediately notified of the cancellation via email.
Additional Skipper Features

The Skipper may use menu items in Crew Manager to help manage other aspects. Fields are included in each Crew member's profile to record mobile phone number, weight, World Sailing (ISAF) Sailor ID, World Sailing Sailor Classification, US Sailing Membership number, shirt size and jacket size. The Skipper may also assign Crew to groups including Core Crew, All Posts and Retired. Settings are available for the Skipper to enter One Design weight limits, and to select if the Helm weight is included in the limit. These settings allow Skipper menu items to be used when the Skipper is logged in.
  • Regatta Weight Report (includes Sailor Classification) - Allows Skipper to see sum of weights for crew assigned to an event. If One Design limits are entered, the amount under/over the limit is shown. Standby crew are shown in a separate list on the same page. It also displays the World Sailing Category declared by each crew member. A button is available to automatically validate the World Sailing Classification for each Crew member using the World Sailing database. Links are provided to the US Sailing and World Sailing profiles for each crew member.
  • Crew Shirt Size Report - When the Skipper needs to buy swag for the Crew, this report includes a matrix of shirt and jacket sizes for each crew member. The report may be run for the Core Crew, All Posts, Active and Inactive (Retired) groups.
  • Crew Position Assignment Report - A consolidated summary of Crew Position Assignments for a calendar year is available as a one page, printable report. This report counts people against positions for a season and displays a color coded matrix. It is helpful for Skippers who try to balance crew position assignments over a season.
  • Skipper Send Email - Provides full featured email capability so the Skipper may compose and send messages to Crew associated with any event or the pre-defined groups selected from a drop down menu. No need to look up crew email addresses for entry in your email program.
Use version 2.9 attached to the bottom post for the most recent updates.
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.0.pdf
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Crew Manager Crew Manual Version 2.0.pdf
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Version 2.1: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated to include SMS Text Messaging and a Crew Participation Report the Skipper may run. The documentation has been updated to reflect these features.
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.1.pdf
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Crew Manager Crew Manual Version 2.1.pdf
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Version 2.2: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated to include Regatta Registration Status report. The documentation has been updated to include this feature and incorporates augmented descriptions in some areas.
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.2.pdf
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Crew Manager Crew Manual Version 2.2.pdf
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Version 2.3: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated to include Smart Copy Events to permit the Skipper to easily copy selected past events advanced in time by a desired number of days (364 as default) to the next season. Additional useability enhancements were made so that most links include pop up displays with a note about where the link opens. The Skipper Send Email dropdown to select events now includes a summary of the number of emails to be sent with the recipients & email address displayed as a pop up window. The documentation has been updated to include these features and incorporates augmented descriptions in some areas.
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.3.pdf
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Crew Manager Crew Manual Version 2.3.pdf
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Version 2.4: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated to include the following changes that are included in Version 2.4 of the Skipper Directions below.
  • The ability to set Availability & Position for an entire entire column when using Edit Assignment by Event from the Skipper menu.
  • The Crew Shirt Size Report was updated to include short sizes in addition to shirts and jackets.
  • A column was added to the All Users list displayed in the WordPress Admin panel to show the date and time a user was last logged in.
  • The Skipper now has the ability to check Crew who have set availability for an event to Maybe and send an email asking that they update their availability to Yes or No. This is available as a Notify Maybe to Update Availability from the Skipper menu.
  • Added ability to create and display custom fields for Events within the Crew shortcode
  • Added automatic email reminder 5 days in advance for Skipper to pay Regatta registration fees
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.4.pdf
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Crew Manager Crew Manual Version 2.4.pdf
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Version 2.5: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated with the following changes that are included in Version 2.5 of the Skipper Directions below.
  • When Skipper adds a new user there is an option to send an information email with password reset information, request to update the user profile and set availability for events
  • Crew responses are now summarized by event in the Regatta Registration Status Report
  • Tags were added to allow owners with multiple boats the ability to use a single Crew Manager site for all boats, yet allow filtering to display a single boat
  • Skippers may now update any Crew member Availability, Position or Assignments while viewing a particular event, or on the Calendar list
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.5.pdf
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Crew Manager Crew Manual Version 2.5.pdf
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Version 2.6: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated with the following changes that are included in Version 2.6 of the Skipper Directions below.
  • Added Crew Hide Feature for the “closed visibility” model - this is an option the Skipper may set to limit visibility of Crew lists.
  • Developed a Skipper Manual Supplement that focuses on the Crew Hide feature - the Skipper Manual includes all the information in the Supplement.
    It may be easier for Skippers already using Crew Manager who desire this feature to refer to the supplement.
  • The Crew Manual Version 2.6 is available at this link
Skipper Directions Supplement for Crew Manager Version 2.6 - Introducing Crew Hide Feature.pdf
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Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.6.pdf
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Version 2.6.1: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated with the following changes that are included in Version 2.6.1 of the Skipper Directions below. This update corrected some typos and provides new screen shots to accurately reflect updated pages
  • Updated screen shots to accurately reflect the addition of category & tag filters on various pages.
  • Updated procedure to enter results using the Boat, Results page.
  • Updated procedure to enter regatta registration and fees paid information using the Crew, Regatta Registration Status page.
  • The Crew Manual Version 2.6.1 is available at this link
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.6.1.pdf
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Version 2.7: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated with the following changes that are included in Version 2.7 of the Skipper Directions below. This update corrected some typos and provides new screen shots to accurately reflect updated pages
  • Updated screen shots to reflect changes in field names more descriptive for sailing when entering events.
  • Added custom groups that may be defined by the Skipper for use on Skipper Send Email page.
  • Added Event Import from Excel Spreadsheet generated CSV file.
  • Updated Smartcopy to include location, Event edit link and annotation of copied events in the table displayed on the screen.
  • The Crew Manual Version 2.7 is available at this link
  • The complete change log may be viewed at changelog.txt link
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.7.pdf
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Version 2.8: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated with the following changes that are included in Version 2.8 of the Skipper Directions below. This is a major update with enhanced features and provides new screen shots to accurately reflect updated pages. All known bugs were fixed.
  • Added full featured on screen TinyMCE Advanced editor for all pages that allow formatting text including Skipper Send Email, posts, events, pages, comments and the new Email Templates.
  • Added append event dropdown on Skipper Send Email to optionally append a calendar entry (name, content and link) from up to 90 days previous to all future events.
  • Added selectable email templates the Skipper may modify or generate new as desired for use on Skipper Send Email.
  • Added merge print variables to pull information stored in a users profile the Skipper may use to send personalized emails on Skipper Send Email.
  • Formatted phone numbers for consistent display (xxx) xxx-xxxx with clickable link to dial a mobile phone when clicked.
  • Added popup on mouse over events for all Crew Manager generated lists on pages and side widgets. Allows easy display quickly without having to click to open the event.
  • Enhanced Category & Tag display when viewing on mobile device so they are easier to see for selecting filters
  • Added To group "Mobile with no Carrier Designated" on Skipper Send Email
  • Added download vCard button on bottom of Crew Roster so that all displayed contacts may be downloaded and imported to a phone.
  • Removed automatic mail sending when event with results post is updated. Replaced with checkbox for each row to send group email on menu entry Boat, Results & Result Entry
  • Added Send SMS Text button on all events for Skipper logged in on a mobile phone. This automatically opens the text application on the phone with the address prepopulated with the numbers of those scheduled for the event.
  • Added Crew Comment Input for events
  • The Crew Manual Version 2.8 is available at this link
  • The complete change log may be viewed at changelog.txt link
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.8.pdf
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Crew Manager Administrator