Notification Text Messages Bothering People at Night?

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Notification Text Messages Bothering People at Night?

Post by admin »

One Skipper started using text message notifications and leaves his phone by the bed. He got disturbed by a reminder text notification sent in the middle of the night.

Don't use an email reminder time of 36 hours or any value that would send reminders in the middle of the night. You may want to poll your Crew to see if their lifestyle would be disturbed by receiving a reminder in the middle of the night. Select something like 24 or 48 hours so the reminder is sent during daylight hours.

The lead time for reminders may be adjusted by the Skipper:
  1. Log in to your Crew Manager site as the Skipper if you have multiple logins.
  2. Once logged in mouse over Skipper on the menu and click on WordPress Admin.
  3. The WordPress Admin screen will load. On the left side menu, mouse over Crew Manager and click on Modify Settings.
  4. The Modify Settings page will open.
  5. In the box labeled Crew reminder email sent ## hours before an event type in the desired lead time in hours.
  6. Scroll down and click the Save All Changes button.
Additionally any Crew member may turn SMS text notifications on or off in their user profile. Notifications are always sent via email to Crew scheduled for an event, even if SMS text messaging has been turned off.
Crew Manager Administrator