Feature Incorporated: Enhanced Calendar Displays & Sync

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Feature Incorporated: Enhanced Calendar Displays & Sync

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The Crew Manager Calendar has been updated with the following enhancements as of 1 November 2020:
  • Canceled events are no longer displayed in the default view. All events without Canceled in the title are automatically assigned a default tag as Not Canceled. When an event is canceled, this tag is automatically removed. To view Canceled events on the calendar, the Not Canceled tag is deselected at the top of the calendar
  • Recurring events are annotated when opened to show all the recurring dates. If not logged in the login button displays Login to update Multi-day. If logged in the Submit Availability Change button is only available on the master event. Recurring events are labeled with a blue box that displays Change Availability Above for m/d, m/d, ... where m/d are the dates the recurring event covers
  • For logged in Skippers, the Cancel Event Immediately button is available on all recurring events and labeled (Linked Events m/d, m/d, ... will be Canceled) where m/d are the dates the recurring event covers
  • Calendars synced to a users calendar (e.g. Outlook, Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, etc.) now include full event content including the crew list. Recognize that synced calendars do not support html so the lists are reformatted to display text only (no colors or tables with lines and borders).
Crew Manager Administrator
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