Bug Fixed: Crew Manager, can't update assignments

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Bug Fixed: Crew Manager, can't update assignments

Post by admin »

Eric Langley of the Mills 41 Eclipse reported the inability to update the assignment for a particular crew member. When submitted and then viewed the entry for that crew member won't update.
Crew Manager Administrator
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Bug Fixed: Crew Manager, can't update assignments

Post by admin »

The problem was found and has been corrected. The crew member posted a comment Will sail on Resolute if you don't need me. The apostrophe on don't breaks the database update. This works on the other pages but when Skipper Edit Assignments by Event was rewritten to speed up processing, the formatting of special characters such as quotes did not get inserted in the new routine.

The fix was incorporated in all sites as of 3:15pm on 19 July 2020. Included with the fix is the ability to remove comments on this page. A one line message with directions is displayed at the top of the screen, just before the "Jump" button.
Crew Manager Administrator
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