Log-in Issues

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Log-in Issues

Post by jawoodfield »

Is there a section in the Skipper's Manual on how to solve Log-In Issues? I had a few new crew get locked out when trying to set up login passwords and it also just locked me out. (I set up me as a "fake crew member" so I could test and see what the the crew see instead of what I see as skipper). It didn't accept my password or user name (I know they were correct entries). Then I got lockout as both skipper and as a "fake crew member"
1) If a crew member locks themselves out, can I unlock it for them (sending them a link for a password change?), or does the admin have to unlock them?
2) If I do get locked out, do I need to contact you or just wait for 30 min and it will let me back in?
3) Trying to troubleshoot what I did wrong. It said I was locked out, but then when I sent a request to unlock, it said I wasn't locked? but I still can't log back in without getting an error. I'm now in an error loop.

This is the sequence I get:

Get Message of my IP address has been blocked for security
Blocked Error.png
Blocked Error.png (40.83 KiB) Viewed 20331 times
Then window to insert email address to get message on how to unblock
Email Link.png
Email Link.png (97.63 KiB) Viewed 20331 times
I never get an email on how to unlock, but a notice of "No locked entry found" but I still can't login
No Locked Entry.png
No Locked Entry.png (44.92 KiB) Viewed 20331 times

Thanks for help.
Jerry Woodfield
J/109 #44
Seattle, WA
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Re: Log-in Issues

Post by admin »

Jerry and I spoke. It appears his lockout was a transient condition as he was able to log in fine when we were on the phone. We'll monitor and see if there are any other issues that come up.

There currently is no section in the manual about lockouts so I will add on my to-do list an action to create that.
Crew Manager Administrator
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