Calendar Events have New York Time but I'm in Chicago

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Calendar Events have New York Time but I'm in Chicago

Post by admin »

Note: Setting the time zone in Crew Manager Modify Setting available from the WordPress admin screen should adjust the calendar time zone and Crew Manager time zone. Should the Calendar time zone get out of sync, use the procedure below.

The "All In One Event Calendar" (AI1EC) plugin default time zone setup is East Coast (New York). This may be adjusted to your local time zone as follows:
  1. Log in to your Crew Manager site as the Skipper if you have multiple logins.
  2. Once logged in mouse over Skipper on the menu and click on WordPress Admin.
  3. The WordPress Admin screen will load. On the left side menu, mouse over Events and click on Settings.
  4. The AI1EC plugin General Settings will open - make sure the Viewing Events tab is displayed.
  5. Scroll down the page and you will see Timezone with a dropdown next to it.
  6. Click on the dropdown and select your desired timezone.
  7. Note: Some calendars displayed on phones and desktops do not self correct for the time zone selected in Crew Manager. Checking the box Display events in calendar time zone will force the correction on these calendars to the proper time zone, and display the time zone as text on the calendar entry.
  8. Scroll down and click the Save Settings button.
Crew Manager Administrator