Tips for Tracking Regattas Registered & Paid Status

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Tips for Tracking Regattas Registered & Paid Status

Post by admin »

A Regatta Registration Status report is available to all Crew logged in by mousing over Crew and clicking on Regatta Registration Status. This handy feature allows the Skipper to keep track of regatta registrations and associated payments/due dates. Information for this report is entered in the calendar entry for each event. Open a calendar event for editing and enter data as follows:
  • Using the custom fields in each event select registered on the dropdown and enter "Yes" in the value field.
  • Click the grey Update button below the dropdown.
  • Select fees_paid on the dropdown
  • Enter "Yes", "No", "Due 6/15/2019", "Due June , 15, 2019" or whatever is desired to display in the value field
  • Click the grey Update button below the dropdown. There is no need to click the blue Update button for the post.
If the Website URL and the External Tickets URL or custom field Payment Link is entered for the AI1EC event, the registration & fees paid status will be displayed as links to these URLs on the report, providing easy access to the event and payment links when needed. The custom field Payment Link may be used the same as the External Tickets URL to format the payment link.

If there is a date listed in the fees_paid field, a reminder to pay regatta fees is automatically sent 5 days before the date with a link to pay the fees if the payment link was previously saved in the External Tickets URL field. The email will not be sent if Yes or Paid is in the fees_paid field, even if the date is included in the field with the text. The reminder email is sent once daily up to the payment due date and will stop as soon as the field is marked with "Yes" or "Paid" in the fees_paid field.

When the registration fee is paid at a future date, edit the event. The fees_paid field will be visible with the associated text that was previously entered in the value field. Overwrite the text in the value field and click the grey Update button below the fees_paid field.

A sample report is displayed below using the filter to show just one design events.
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Updated: Tips for Tracking Regattas Registered & Paid Status

Post by admin »

A Regatta Registration Status report is available to the Skipper when logged in by mousing over Crew and clicking on Regatta Registration Status & Payment Entry. When the Skipper is logged in, this page shows extra fields the Skipper may enter regatta registration information with links, fee payment information and payment links. This handy feature allows the Skipper to keep track of regatta registrations and associated payments/due dates. Information for this report is entered in multiple rows as follows:
  1. Under the Registered? Column enter Yes or No. This may be updated from No to Yes when registration is complete.
  2. The Website Link field allows entry of the regatta or host club website URL including http:// or https://. When a URL is entered, it is combined with the text in the Registered? Field to create a hyperlink displayed in the Registered column after submission.
  3. The Fees Paid field allows entry of text. Enter "Yes", "No", "Due 6/15/2019", "Due June , 15, 2019" or whatever is desired to display in the value field. If the field contains a date, an email reminder will be sent to the skipper 5 days before this date. Entering Paid or Yes prevents the reminder being sent
  4. The Payment Link field allows entry of the payment website URL including http:// or https://. When a URL is entered, it is combined with the text in the Fees Paid Field to create a hyperlink displayed in the Fees Paid column.
  5. Click the blue Submit Changes button when entries are complete
When the registration fee is paid at a future date, edit the Fees Paid field to Yes or Paid. The status will be displayed in the event Calendar entry and the Regatta Registration Status page.
regatta-registration-status-skipper-view.png (811.1 KiB) Viewed 20350 times
Crew Manager Administrator