Crew Manager Documentation & Change Log for Software Updates

Contains user manuals, frequently asked questions & responses. This is a read only forum.
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Crew Manager Documentation & Change Log for Software Updates

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A running log is maintained for Crew Manager to document changes in each file. This is an ASCII text file with the most recent version available to download at this:
changelog link

Much of the information in the change log covers "behind the scenes" stuff but it does provide a detailed record for updates, bugs fixed, and new features incorporated. The Software Version is assigned as X.Y (e.g. Version 2.6) for the overall Crew Manager program and z.y.z (e.g. 2.3.1) for individual files using semantic versioning. This is a formal convention for specifying compatibility using a three-part version number: major version; minor version; and patch. The patch number is incremented for minor changes and bug fixes which do not change the software's application programming interface (API).

Note: Effective 1 March 2021 Crew Manager now maintains the Skipper Manual and Crew Manual up to date on the main Crew Manager site. The PDF versions referenced below are no longer updated.

Crew Manager documentation carries the same version number as the major release (e.g. Version 2.6) for both the Skipper Directions and a Crew Directions. Documentation for incremental releases is provided via posts on the Crew Manager forum in the Request a Feature or Enhancement section and / or as a FAQ in the Documentation & FAQs section.

Users are encouraged to document and report bugs found on the forum Report a Bug section. Users with ideas for a new feature, enhancement or change, may post suggestions on the forum Request a Feature or Enhancement section.
Crew Manager Administrator