1 Dock St #1309
Edgartown, MA 02539

Registered: No, Event Contacts, Event Documents, Notice of Race, Notice Board, Race Tracking, RC Announcements, Scratch Sheet, Sailing Instructions, Starting Sequence
Be at Edgartown YC - Thu June 20th @ 7:00AM EDT
Club Website: Edgartown YCRegistration: Link
Post # 3462-2519
Edgartown Race Weekend is one of the nation’s oldest distance races, occurring every summer on and offshore the island of Martha’s Vineyard. A staple on the East Coast racing calendar, the highly-competitive and exceptionally fun race weekend includes both buoy racing and ‘Round-the-Island segments and attracts boats and teams of all sizes and calibers from around the U.S. and internationally. Classes are for ORC, PHRF-NE (including Spinnaker, Non-Spinnaker, and Doublehanded Divisions), and Multi-Hulls.