Shortcodes are the equivalent of Macros that execute tasks in WordPress. These are built in the Crew Manager program so that a user may perform tasks of various complexity. They may be as simple as substituting text for the shortcode, or generating an entire page with custom lists. Shortcodes are generally entered on WordPress Pages & Posts. The good thing about shortcodes is that a shortcode may be placed on a page without a user knowing how to do software programming. The codes may be created with complex software to generate the desired results. Users are insulated from having to enter complex software and introducing potential errors that may bring down the website.
A shortcode is entered in a post or page enclosed by square brackets. For example – [boat] is a Crew Manager shortcode that returns the boat type and name of the boat (e.g. [boat] displays J/109 Vento Solare).
The list below provides shortcodes that are available to use in Crew Manager. These may be inserted in a sidebar widget, post or page to customize content. The list at the bottom contains shortcodes that Crew Manager uses to generate pages or sections of pages.
These shortcodes are available to Skippers to use on any pages, posts or events.
- [boat] – displays the boat name in text as saved in the WordPress site name (e.g. J/109 Leading Edge)
- [boaturl] – displays the boat name with the site URL link as saved in the WordPress site name (e.g. J/109 Leading Edge)
- [checksubdomain] – provides a box to enter desired subdomain name to check availability to create a new Crew Manager website
- [cdt] – prefixes ai1ec content with the [cdt][/cdt] shortcode to display XX days until event
- [dashicon icon=”icon-name”] – displays any WordPress dashboard icon available using the icon names at this link
- [date] – displays the current date text in format which looks like Sun January 19th, 2019
- [eventdate] – displays the ai1ec event date as a formatted date which looks like Mon March 18th @ 9:00AM
- [expiration blog_id=#] – displays the subscription expiration date for a selected Crew Manager site. If no blog_id reports the current site.
- [private][/private] – protects content between the tags so it is only visible if logged in, otherwise displays (protected content) with a login link.
- [prurl] – displays the protocol relative url (no leading https://) of a Crew Manager site as text (e.g. )
- [resetemail] – displays the password reset “from” email in the format (unique for each subdomain)
- [resetemailfull] – displays the password reset “from” email in the format (unique for each subdomain) formatted as mailto link
- [rawurl] – displays the url of a Crew Manager site as text (e.g. )
- [results-summary] – displays a summary results table using the most recent past 5 events
- [sitelist] – displays formatted list of Crew Manager subdomain sites by name with link in list format
- [siteurl] – displays the url of a Crew Manager site as a link (e.g. )
- [skipperemail] – displays the Skipper’s name with email address formatted as mailto link (e.g. Dennis Conner )
- [skipperemailfull] – displays the Skipper’s email address formatted as mailto link (e.g. )
- [subdomain] – displays just the subdomain for a site (e.g. the site will display frb)
- [time_date left=x or right=x top=y] (x & y assumed to be % for positioning) to display a calendar clock with date badge and current time H:M:s am/pm for overlay on header
- [wpadminemail] – Inserts the site WordPress administrator email address formatted as mailto link
- [x_before minutes=# post_id=x] – generates a time that is # minutes before the start of an event formatted as 5:45pm. The post_id=x parameter is optional and may include a forced post_id. This is useful if you want to tell Crew in the text of the event to meet # minutes before the boat call time.
These shortcodes are used by Crew Manager to generate the various pages.
- [annual-calendar] – The default Crew Manager generated annual calendar page with a consistent calendar view having a header with dropdown & checkbox filters. Other view options available on the page based on logged in user rights.
- [assignments] – Typed on a page to allow logged in crew to view availability, positions & assignments by event for all crew
- [availability] – Typed on a page to allow logged in crew to set availability for current year events (all events listed)
- [boatpage] – Provides the landing page for Boat on the menu with links for About, Photos, and Results
- [crew post=x instance=y] – displays crew lists on ai1ec events, allows setting availability if logged in and provides a Cancel Event Immediately button for the Skipper. The post and instance parameters are optional but if passed will be used to force the display of that event.
- [event_location] – adds a dropdown on the event creation and edit page to enable insertion of previously saved boat locations and addresses
- [notify-maybe] – displays list of crew with events a crew member set availability to maybe. Allows sending reminder email to selected individuals
- [participant] – matrix report people x position number of time in position during a selectable year
- [regatta-registration] – Typed on a page to display regatta registration and fees paid status ordered chronologically
- [results] – Typed on a page to display race results ordered chronologically
- [roster] – Typed on a page to allow logged in crew to view crew roster on a page with name, email, phone and SMS text preferences
- [shirts] – Typed on a page to allow skipper to view and print shirt, short and jacket sizes for selected group of crew. Size info is stored in each users profile.
- [skipperassignments] – Typed on a page similar to [assignments] with ability of admin to set availability, positions & assignments by event for all crew
- [skippercrewadmin] – Typed on a page similar to [availability] with ability of admin to select crew and make assignments
- [skippersendemail] – Typed on a page to allow a logged in skipper to send emails using a dropdown to selected group recipients
- [upcoming num=X canx=Y buttons=Y stickday=Y] Generate upcoming event widget for next X events, displays canceled events if canx=Y, and stickday=Y keeps all events that day displayed until midnight. A full page calendar agenda is displayed with controls if buttons=Y is set.
- [weight] – Typed on a page to allow skipper to view an event weight report with sailor classification with World Sailing database lookup. Info is stored in each users profile.