Organizing Events – Categories & Tags

Crew Manager has the ability to use Categories and Tags that allow filtering of events on the calendar and various Crew & Skipper pages that display events. Categories are pre-set to identify the type of events (e.g. One Design, PHRF, IRC, etc.). Tags are not used and available to identify separate boats. For multiple boats with the same name, consider using the boat type for the tag (e.g. J/35 and J/109). Owners having multiple boats with different names may include tags with the boat name and type (e.g. IC37 Dragon, Etchells 291 and Sunfish 5955).

Categories and Tags are assigned when creating or editing an existing event.  

Setting up Categories & Tags

  1. Log in to your own Crew Manager site as the Skipper if you have multiple logins.
  2. Once logged in mouse over Skipper on the menu and click on WordPress Admin.
  3. The WordPress Admin screen will load. On the left side menu, mouse over Events and click on Organize.
  4. The AI1EC plugin Organize Events screen will open – at the top is Categories and Tags. Categories are displayed on the first tab.
  5. Below Add New Category type the desired category name In the Name box (e.g. Doublehanded). The Slug will be generated automatically when saved. The description is not used and may be left blank, or a short description entered as information when the page is opened. The Category Color contains a color picker to choose the color that will provide a visual indicator (colored dot, or colored text on some screens) to easily see a selected category.
  6. Scroll down and click the blue  Add New Category  button.
  7. Repeat and add additional categories as desired
  8. Click on Tags.
  9. Below Add New Tag type the desired tag name In the Name box (e.g. IC37 Dragon). The Slug will be generated automatically when saved. The description is not used and may be left blank, or a short description entered as information when the page is opened.
  10. Scroll down and click the blue  Add New Tag  button.
  11. Repeat and add additional tags as desired

Assigning Categories and Tags to Events

Categories and Tags may now be assigned on each event to identify race types, boat used, or other parameter the Skipper may want to track for an event. If there are multiple events and boats where it might be confusing to discriminate which boat, the boat name and or type may be typed in with the event name as an easy discriminator (e.g. C&C30 – Conanicut ATI Race would be entered in the Event Title box)

Assuming you are already logged in as the Skipper, do the following while creating or editing a calendar event.  In the example below, sample text is used to illustrate an entry.

  1. The event creation / edit screen is displayed below. The Categories & Tags sections are shown on the right side.
  2. Categories – On the right side of the Add New Event screen is a section labeled Categories – Check the boxes (e.g. PHRF, One Design etc.) for the desired categories to assign
  3. Tags – On the right side of the Add New Event screen is a section labeled Tags – Click on the link below that titled Choose from the most used tags
  4. Click on the desired tag(s) from the list that is displayed
  5. Should the boat location be different, use the dropdown to select a previously used boat location.

The event may be saved by scrolling to the top and clicking the  Publish  button.  Once the event is saved, the event may be edited further.  The  Publish  button changes to an  Update  button. The event may also be deleted by clicking the Move to Trash link to the left of the  Update  button.

  • Assigning Categories and Tags to Events – Alternate Method Using Skipper View

  1. On the main menu click logged in as Skipper on Calendar, then click the Skipper View radio button. The screen refreshes with the current year events.  You may select other years and use the optional filters.
  2. Columns in the center display categories and tags for each event.  You may individually check or uncheck the desired Categories & Tags to be scheduled for multiple events
  3. Dropdowns are available to set the boat location.  There is a master dropdown that easily sets all at once to the same location.  Each event location may be individually selected.
  4. Multiple event changes may be saved by clicking the  Skipper Update  button.  Events may also be deleted by clicking the Delete Event checkbox, then clicking the  Skipper Update  button.

Annual Calendar – Skipper View (Desktop)

Annual Calendar – Skipper View (Phone)


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