
A Crew Manager team website has features crew members will use throughout the sailing season.  In a nutshell, the team website provides a “Who, What, When, Where and Wear” schedule with automatic reminders.  After an event, the results may be posted and crew members may submit comments, pictures and stories about the event.  

The Basics:

  • Skipper makes schedule
  • Skipper loads crew list with names, emails & phone numbers, then notifies the crew
  • Crew set their availability by race which automatically notifies the skipper
  • Skipper sets crew positions by race and makes assignments (e.g. Bob bring beer)
  • Automatic reminders sent to crew for each race
  • Go Sailing & Win races!
  • Skipper posts results and all share stories & pictures on the website about the race

More Details:

  • Provides a calendar of events for the boat and crew that syncs with your existing calendar.  Additional pages contain links of interest, weather and winds
  • Events include boat location and time to be there and may specify “Uniform” (e.g. orange shirts).  It may also include the registration and fee payment status for an event. 
  • Crew members set their availability to participate & may input a comment for each event.
    Note as a courtesy to the Skipper crew members needing to change availability should do so as early as possible so replacements may be found. Updating your availability on the website sends an immediate email to the Skipper.
  • The Skipper designates boat positions for available crew members and makes assignments by crew member (e.g. bring beer) – all these are displayed on the event 
  • Additional information may be included such as weather forecast, tides & currents, links to race documents, etc.
  • Crew members receive a reminder email and optional text message 48 hours (or time as set by the Skipper) prior to events for which they are scheduled  – all the event information is included
  • Crew members may view a roster with contact information for all crew members, and may send group text messages.  This is only visible to crew members logged in.
  • The Skipper may elect to set an optional Crew Hide feature which limits the ability of the crew to see other crew scheduled for events and may limit the ability of the Crew to set availability.  Messages will be displayed on the event Crew lists if this has been enabled.
  • Displays are formatted for viewing on a desktop, and reformatted for optimal viewing on a mobile device.  Most pages listing events have a consistent display.  Where a “date badge” is displayed, a pop up event summary is shown on mouse over, or soft touch with the finger on the date badge.  Moving the mouse or touching the phone display outside the pop up  closes the summary.
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