Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Version 2.9: Skipper Directions for Crew Manager

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Crew Manager was updated with the following changes that are included in Version 2.9 of the Skipper Directions below. This is a major update with enhanced features and provides new screen shots to accurately reflect updated pages. All known bugs were fixed.
  • Added full featured on screen TinyMCE Advanced editor for all pages that allow formatting text including Skipper Send Email, posts, events, pages, comments and the new Email Templates.
  • Security update - Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol is now forced for all Crew Manager pages.  This provides an encrypted connection between the user and the Crew Manager sites.
  • Security update - All site content has been updated to use secure sources.  All pages now provide a lock symbol in the browser toolbar.
  • Security update - Updated security certificates have been installed on the Crew Manager server, including enhancements for email sending.
  • Security update - Crew Manager email transmission now includes special headers and certificates on the server so messages are less likely to be stopped by spam filters.  This was major problem for Skippers having Apple email addresses.
  • Security update - Inter-site security holes have been patched to prevent users from accessing other site private data. 
  • Mobile Viewing - A simplified menu showing only the most common pages accessed is now displayed on phones.  The full menu is still available as a single pull down to access all menu choices.
  • Mobile Viewing - All screens have been reformatted to display properly on a phone.  Some phone displays are arranged differently than desktop displays, but the same data is displayed on both.
  • Mobile Viewing - Phone displays now have an icon menu.  The menus on both phones and desktops have been updated to float as users scroll up and down.
  • Stay Logged in for a Year: When logging in, a check box is available to "Remember me".  Previously this kept a user logged in for 48 hours.  It has been updated to keep a person logged in for one year. 
  • All sites now have an email template available to use when new users added.  This contains information for a new user to set their password, log in and set their availability for events.
  • Improved Sailflow Wind Widgets: The previous Windalert widgets showing wind projections in your local sailing area have been updated to display a Sailfow wind chart.  This shows animated wind with arrows to click so wind data is displayed for a selected station. 
  • Multiple Events Set Availability on Expanded Calendar List: Crew members may now update availability for multiple events displayed on the calendar agenda list with a single submit button click.  Previously this needed to be done one event at a time.
  • Copy Calendar Events From Any Crew Manager Site: The ability to copy calendar events from the main Crew Manager site to your own site has been expanded so you may copy events from any Crew Manager site to your own.
  • Designate Multiple Skipper Admins:  Skippers now have the ability to designate multiple people as Skipper Admins with Skipper Access to assist managing the schedule and crew.
  • Fixed sending reminder emails, broken when version 2.9.0 was introduced on 6 February.
  • Fixed comments not submitted, broken when version 2.9.0 was introduced on 6 February.
  • Fixed backslashes showing on crew comments in calendar events
  • Fixed inability for skippers to display checkbox to left of user list on admin screen which was broken since version 2.7.1 was released on 22 December.
  • The Crew Manual Version 2.9 is available at this link
  • The complete change log may be viewed at changelog.txt link
Skipper Directions for Crew Manager Version 2.9.pdf
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Crew Manager Administrator