Couples Using The Same Email Address

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Couples Using The Same Email Address

Post by DBLRUM »

Hi. Ian here. I am a new user trying to get my head around Crew Manager. The problem I have is that I have a large crew list & a lot of them are couples that use the same email address. I have imported all my contacts from my gmail contacts where say husband & wife teams are loaded together. I have been up until now been using Google Docs where if say just one member of the couple wants to sail then they just put their individual name down in one cell on the sheet. Is there any way to split the couple in Crew Manager if they haven't got individual email addresses?
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Re: Couples Using The Same Email Address

Post by admin »


Unfortunately that is not an option. WordPress is the base "engine" for Crew Manager and logins are based on unique email addresses. What you might do is have the couples indicate which one is sailing in the Crew Comment field. This may be entered by the user and shows up on the crew list for each event. It also is included with all crew reminder emails and texts.
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Re: Couples Using The Same Email Address

Post by DBLRUM »

Awesome. Thanks for the prompt response & the help. Yes I think I can work with that! Cheers Ian.
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Re: Couples Using The Same Email Address

Post by wwhite »

If the couples email address is an account, you can simply add a +1 or +2, etc. This is how Gmail does email aliases.


Both emails go to the same account in Gmail, and Wordpress looks at them as separate accounts.
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Re: Couples Using The Same Email Address

Post by admin »

Thanks for that tip. I will do some testing and if all works well will update the online documentation to note this Gmail feature.
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Re: Couples Using The Same Email Address

Post by admin »

I have done testing and can confirm that Gmail addresses may use the format for a primary address and add the +1, +2, +3, ... suffix to name. This results in what looks like a unique email address to WordPress, yet the emails all go to the primary address.,, , ... will all be delivered to the primary email

Thanks wwhite for posting this helpful hint.
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